One of a kind

Open Cultural Space

Music Lab is situated in the basement of the Music Faculty of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. It is a place well designed for spontaneous encounters between students of art and music, amateur & professional musicians, and the general public. We offer a wide range of enjoyment in the form of a fresh cultural scene right in the center of Brno with almost daily events, ranging from music & dance, through stand-ups, theaters and films to experimental art.

Born in 2014

Small Club Where Big Music Happens

Music Lab emerged in 2014 from a common endeavor of a group of musicians, who wanted to create a meet-up place for all musicians and music lovers & at the same time, give Brno a high quality music scene based on Jam Sessions, just as they can be found all over the world. We started up without any big expectations as a small club that welcomes anybody who wants to present his art. Although we have never given up our initial values, over the years, we have become one of the best music clubs not only in Brno, but also in the whole Czech republic, hosting numerous famous bands and artists.

How BACH was born

Connection element

Right from the beginning we were acting as a mediator between different groups of people - musicians & music lovers, professionals & amateurs, performers & audiences...all only inside of our territory. That changed on 28.10.2019, when Music Lab became one of the founding members of BACH - Brno’s Association of Club Music, which main goal was to unite all music clubs of Brno for the benefit of all members. Just a year later we managed to get representatives of all Brno’s music clubs to sit at the same table and create the first cross-clubs cooperations. Through better common public presentation, cost sharing & mutual support, our goal is to make the music scene of Brno the best in middle Europe.